Far Away

24.01.2007., srijeda

Ništa dugo nisam napisao

Evo već nisam ništa dugo napisao! Znam i zašto samo se sad nemogu sjetiti, ali sam siguran da sam imao dobar razlog! Jebote kad malo bolje pogledam, ništa nisam napisao od devetog mjeseca ...fuck...!
A šta reći puno se toga desilo, još jedna propala ljubav, nova na obzoru (priznajem ja sam kriv... jednostavno sam slab na bivše missice i modele), nova godina fakulteta... ili međugodina (ali nije važno:) novi razlozi za biti sretan! Slušam Nickelback dok ovo pišem pa oprostite na višku patetike! Iskreno nisam ništa napisao jer sam obrisao link iz bookmarksa, a nije mi se dalo upisivati ga u URL bar! Nije da sam lijen, nego mi se samo nije dalo! Neznam danas sam tako dobre volje, upisao sam se na tečaj plesa sa jednom curom i mogu reći da nije loše! Istina da nas na tečaju ima pun kurac zbog onog showa na televiziji, ali to je problem samo ako ste jako smotani i bojite se da će vam se ostalih dvjestotinjak ljudi smijati kako (ne)plešete :))

KomentariIsprintaj - #

06.09.2006., srijeda

The Killers

When You Were Young

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now ... here he comes!

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentlemen
Like you imagined when you were young

Can we climb this mountain
I don't know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy
Easy now, watch it go

We're burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane that started turning
When you were young
When you were young

And sometimes you close your eyes
and see the place where you used to live
When you were young

They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet
You don't have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now here he comes

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentlemen
Like you imagined when you were young
(He talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when)
When you were young

I said he doesn't look a thing like Jesus
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But more than you'll ever know

KomentariIsprintaj - #

05.06.2006., ponedjeljak

Let me Go

One more kiss could be the best thing
One more lie could be the worst
And all these thoughts are never resting
And you're not something I deserve

In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
This seems real to me

You love me but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you don't know who I am
So let me go
Let me go

I dream ahead to what I hope for
And I turn my back on loving you
How can this love be a good thing
When I know what I'm goin through

In my head there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world there's real and make believe
This seems real to me

You love me but you dont know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
And You love me but you don't know who I am
So let me go
Just Let me go...
Let me go

And no matter how hard I try
I can't escape these things inside I know
I know...
When all the pieces fall apart
You will be the only one who knows
Who knows

You love me but you dont know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
And you love me but you don't know Who I am
So let me go
Just let me go

You love me but you don't
You love me but you don't
You love me but you don't know who I am
You love me but you don't
You love me but you don't
You love me but you dont know me

KomentariIsprintaj - #

17.05.2006., srijeda

Savin` Me

Prison gates won’t open up for me
On these hands and knees I’m crawling
Oh, I reach for you

Well I’m terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can’t hold my soul in
All I need is you
Come please I’m calling
And oh I scream for you
Hurry I’m falling
I'm falling

Show me what it’s like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I’ll show you what I can be
And say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth savin' me

Heaven’s gates won’t open up for me
With these broken wings I’m falling
And all I see is you

These city walls ain’t got no love for me
I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you
Come please I’m calling
And all I need from you
Hurry I’m falling
I'm falling

Show me what it’s like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I’ll show you what I can be
And say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth savin' me
Hurry I’m falling

Yeah, yeah-hey

And all I need is you
Come please I’m calling
And oh I scream for you
Hurry I’m falling
I'm falling
I'm falling

Show me what it’s like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I’ll show you what I can be
And say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth savin' me
Hurry I’m falling

And say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth savin' me

KomentariIsprintaj - #

02.05.2006., utorak

Ajd dobro...

Evo kad me svi molite da neš napišem, kak da vam onda ne udovoljim koristeći se svojim jedinstvenim jezičnim izričajem! (Čitaj "NE ZNA PISAT") Posljednjih par dana mi se stvarno nije dalo ništa, pa sam spavo! Ali evo sad mi se nešto da, biće da je od ovog Cappy Multivitamina, il nekaj! Pa eto dogodilo se pun k...ac toga: Pokido mi se auto, sad sam opet ko ona čudna bića što ih vidim po gradu, kako hodaju na dvije noge i ne voze ništa! Neznam im točan naziv! Pomirio sam se sa bivšom curom (pod pomirio želim reći da ja i ona napokon pričamo, nakon dvije i po godine nepričanja), a moš mislit ja u Rijeci, a ona u Vinkovcima, stvarno se moš napričat! I tako! Upravo sjedim za računalom i ....šmrcam, i to ne zato što pratim "Zabranjenu ljubav"lud (Bože baci peglu), il neku drugu sapunicu, već sam se vozio sa otvorenim prozorom na 10 C stupnjeva i sad mi je...ono super!party
Jučer sam bio u Opatiji sa frendovima, kao za prvi Maj, i jebote bilo je pun k..ac ljudi! Toliko babaca nisam vidio zajedno na jednom mjestu, od zadnjeg simpozija učvščivača za zubne proteze! I svi isti! Bijela kosa, bijele ćarape i na sve to sandale... i svi šprehaju "Jaaa ich auch habe eine grose spricen machine"!:) Odma sam znao, "jebeni Francuzi",... il su bili Njemci! wave

KomentariIsprintaj - #

09.04.2006., nedjelja

Nešto za čitat....

Eto dugo nisam nešto napisao, kao da sam zaboravio da imam blog! A jebiga desi se! thumbup
Dakle puno se toga dogodilo od poslijednjeg puta kad sam ovdje nešto stavio (fakat se ne sjećam kad je to bilo) tako da neznam hoću li se svega prisjetiti! Stekao sam nova prijateljstva, neka stara izmjenio, a neka održao onakvima kakvima i treba da budu! Sa bivšom curom se nisam pomirio, a bome ni s onom prije nje!smijeh A razlog prekida sam također zaboravio! Prestao sam pušiti, i to prije mjesec dana, ne znam šta mi je! I najbolje od toga svega, je što uopće više nemam želju da zapalim cigaretu, što mi je prije dva mjeseca bilo nezamislivo! Čak više ne pijem ni kavu, ni cappuchino, ni machiato, samo čaj i po koje pivce za živce! Jebote sad kad razmislim, koji mi je kurac, skroz sam se promijenio! Čak više nemam ni dugu kosu, ošišao sam se na kratko.........i to nakon 3 godine!!! Ali mi je super, zdraviji sam i ono bolje se osjećam! Zdraviji život, ono zdravljem i seksom protiv droge i to! Samo bez seksa!rofl Još mi samo fali jedna osoba da budem potpun, ali ona je tako daleko, i ne želi više razgovarati samnom! Tako da sam "screwed"! Jebiga, kad nemam hrabrosti da je nazovem! Wich means I`m only half a man I used to be! Wish I could change that, but the decision doesn`t fall on me alone! Ima još toga dosta, ali nemogu se sjetiti, a onog čeg se mogu, nije za blog (heh)! Sljedeći tjedan idem nazad kući, samo da dam kolokvij sutra (daj Bože)! THE END!

KomentariIsprintaj - #

27.03.2006., ponedjeljak

Me is back!

Evo vratio sam se ("haa?? pa zar si negdje i otišao?"), bio sam dva tijedna u Vinkovcima, jer izgleda da sam malo oćoravio, pa sam morao kod doktora za "ćale"! (od tolikog čitanja blogova!!)! Ali bez brige i dalje sam jednako zgodan i šarmantan, čak i s naočalama! Heh! Btw! Its nice to be back!:)
KomentariIsprintaj - #

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